Musicalia > Keith Urban > High > Go home w u
Destacado: 'Hurry up tomorrow' es el sexto álbum de estudio de The Weeknd

Go home w u

Keith Urban, Lainey Wilson
El disco te parece que es:

Go home w u es la quinta pista y uno de los adelantos del álbum High de Keith Urban (2024), una canción con la colaboración de Lainey Wilson. Estreno del video oficial el 15 de agosto de 2024.



Well, it was Saturday night last time I checked
Overdraft on the card, but I ain’t gon’ stress
Not at all, I’ll call the bank tomorrow
I got some Titanic friends
Yeah, we all get wrecked
Order anything we want from the bottom shelf
Livin’ large in a small-town bar

The clock goes ‘round, it’s 1 already
Don’t turn it down, just let it play
Another round to hold us steady
We do one last cheers and down our beers
And they tell us that we can’t stay here

Oh, I know that it’s closin’ time and
I won’t lie, yes, I had more than a few
and you know, I shouldn’t be drivin’
I think I should probably go home with you

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