Musicalia > Tears For Fears > Songs for a nervous planet > The girl that I call home
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The girl that I call home es un avance del álbum Songs for a nervous planet de Tears for fears (2024), una de las cuatro nuevas pistas de estudio que incluye el disco. Estreno del video oficial dirigido por Maschima, el 12 de septiembre de 2024.



You dipped your toe into the water
But you never thought an ordinary life
Could cut you like a knife
You’re everything I ever wanted
But a man would rather writhe upon a cross
Than ever feel the loss

Please don’t worry
I’m not sorry
Not for a life that I can’t own
I’ll seek forgiveness
Will I need a witness
Or the girl that I call home

You get to walk among the flowers
I’m a man who tries to hide away his scars
Beyond the sea of stars
You seem to find a higher power
And when part of me is darker than the night
You fill the void with light

Please don’t worry
I’m not sorry
For a life that can’t be known
Princes adore you
They cower before you
You’re the girl that I call home

Please don’t worry
I’m not sorry
Not for a life that I can’t own
I’ll seek forgiveness
Will I need a witness
Or the girl that I call home
Please don’t worry
I’m not sorry
For a life that can’t be known
Princes adore you
They cower before you
You’re the girl that I call home

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