Musicalia > James Arthur > Bitter sweet love > Free falling
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Free falling es la segunda entre las canciones incluidas en el álbum Bitter sweet love de James Arthur (2024). Estreno del video oficial el 31 de enero de 2024.



Maybe I’m free falling
Maybe I’m out of time
Tell me I’m worth something

Maybe they’re right about me
Maybe I’ve lost my mind
Only you give me the wings to fly
Why don’t you save me from myself tonight

You know Jenny down the roads got a new love
And Jimmy got the job like you said he would
Let’s see how long it lasts cause we know what they’re like
I’m falling through the cracks as I watch the world go by
With my head against the glass like a jealous guy

Maybe I’m free falling
Maybe I’m out of time
Tell me I’m worth something

Maybe they’re right about me
Maybe I’ve lost my mind
Only you give me the wings to fly
Why don’t you save me from myself tonight
Why don’t you save me from myself tonight

Maybe I’m free falling
Maybe I’m out of time
Tell me I’m worth something

Maybe they’re right about me
Maybe I’ve lost my mind
Only you give me the wings to fly
Why don’t you save me from myself tonight

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