Musicalia > We are warriors
Destacado: 'Cuatro' es el cuarto álbum de Camilo

We are warriors

Avril Lavigne

We are warriors es una canción de Avril Lavigne.

"Quería involucrarme y contribuir, así que me puse a trabajar en el estudio y quiero dedicar esto a todos ustedes. Regrabé Warrior [canción incluida en Head above water - 2019] para reflejar nuestro mundo actual y todas las cosas heroicas que estáis haciendo. A todos los trabajadores del hospital, gente de servicio postal, trabajadores de la tienda de comestibles, policía y bomberos, cada uno de vosotros que ha visto su mundo sacudido. Esto es para ti.

Además, voy a donar los ingresos netos de esta canción a Project Hope, una organización increíble que está en primera línea manteniendo a los médicos y personal médico a salvo en todo el mundo"

Lanzamiento 24 de abril 2020. El vídeo se estrena 6 días después, el 30 de abril.


We'll pick our battles 'cause we know we're gonna win the war
We're not rattled 'cause we've shattered all of this before
Steadier than steal 'cause we're ready with our shields and swords
Back on the saddle 'cause we gathered all our strength for more

And we won't bow, we won't break
No we're not afraid to do whatever it takes
We'll never bow, we'll never break

'Cause we're warriors, we'll fight for our lives
Like soldiers, all through the night
And we won't give up, we will survive
We're warriors

And we're stronger, that's why we're alive
We will conquer time after time
We'll never falter, we will survive
We are warriors
We are warriors

Like Vikings we'll be fighting through the day and night
We'll be marching through the darkness till the morning light
Even when it's harder like the armor you will see us shine
No we won't stop and we won't drop until the victory's ours

No we won't bow, we won't break
No we're not afraid to do whatever it takes
We'll never bow, we'll never break

'Cause we're warriors, we'll fight for our lives
Like soldiers, all through the night
And we won't give up, we will survive
We are warriors

And we're stronger, that's why we're alive
We will conquer time after time
We'll never falter, we will survive
We are warriors

Oh, you can't shoot us down
You can't stop us now
We've got a whole damn army
Oh, you can't break us down
You can't take us out
This will be behind us

'Cause we're warriors, we'll fight for our lives
Like soldiers, all through the night
And we won't give up, we will survive
We are warriors

And we're stronger, that's why we're alive
We will conquer time after time
We'll never falter, we will survive
We are warriors

* Las letras de canciones están protegidas por las leyes de derechos de autor y son propiedad de sus respectivos titulares. En se utilizan exclusivamente para promocionar e informar sobre los trabajos de los artistas