Musicalia > Corey Taylor > CMFT > Culture head
Destacado: 'The death of Slim Shady (Coup de Grâce)' es el nuevo disco de Eminem

Culture head

Corey Taylor
El disco te parece que es:

Culture head es la octava pista y uno de los anticipos del disco CMFT de Corey Taylor (2020).

Con un video de Mellow Studio estrenado el 24 de septiembre de 2020.



I don't trust anyone... who uses God as an excuse
I don't trust anyone... so fuck you, and anyone who looks like you
I can't SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE this sudden feeling you're a FAKE FAKE FAKE
You got your savior on the MAKE MAKE MAKE and I can hear you fuckin
Screaming all the way down
So let's PRAY... PREY... PRAY... The Cult Is In The Culture Head

Now I don't want to blame anyone, but now and then you just love abuse
You don't have to blame anyone... so fuck you and you and you and you and you
Just stay offended in your NICHE NICHE NICHE
Nobody's perfect but you're bringin everyone down
So let's PRAY... PREY... PRAY... The Culture Is In The Culture Head

Shame is a Motivator- Tell me, I'll Tell you later
Shame is a Motivator- Tell me, I'll Tell you later
I'm a Motivator- I'm a Tell you later
I'm a Motivator- I'm gonna tell you to
PRAY... PREY...PRAY... The Cult Is In The Culture Head
The Cult Is In The Culture Head

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