Musicalia > Duran Duran > Paper Gods > You kill me with silence
Destacado: 'The death of Slim Shady (Coup de Grâce)' es el nuevo disco de Eminem

You kill me with silence

Paper Gods
Duran Duran
El disco te parece que es:

You kill me with silence es el tercer corte entre los incluidos en Paper Gods (2015), el álbum 14 de estudio de Duran Duran. Y el tercero en estrenarse, en concreto el 14 de agosto de 2015.


You're thin ice, I should be on solid ground
And oh, so quiet vice, I can hear the cracking sound
But I remain despite your deadly aim,
To drive another lad insane
when you won't speak my name

You kill me with silence
that's your style, girl
You're letting me know
this deafening silence
The only reason that you're in control
you're in control

It's emotional violence,
I can't breathe now,
but I can't let go
You kill me with silence

Truth or lies,
things are hoting up in here
If I had a knife,
you could cut the atmosphere
Something else,
I like this bed of nails
That's what I tell myself,
couldn't be much worse in hell

You kill me with silence
that's your style, girl
You're letting me know
this deafening silence
The only reason that you're in control
you're in control

It's emotional violence,
I can't breathe now, but I can't let go
You kill me with silence

You kill me with silence
Kill me with silence

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