Musicalia > Olivia Rodrigo > GUTS > Bad idea right?
Destacado: 'The death of Slim Shady (Coup de Grâce)' es el nuevo disco de Eminem

Bad idea right?

Olivia Rodrigo
El disco te parece que es:

Bad idea right? es la segunda pista y el segundo anticipo del álbum GUTS de Olivia Rodrigo (2023). Lanzamiento y estreno del video oficial dirigido por Petra Collins el 11 de agosto de 2023.

Llama en una consideración frenética y divertida a volver con un ex en contra de todo buen juicio. A medida que se desarrolla la canción, la artista narra su febril monólogo interior con humor y confesión honesta. Producido y co-escrito con su frecuente colaborador Daniel Nigro, el tema establece esa narración en un escenario vertiginoso de caóticos riffs de guitarra, ritmos de batería y voces.

"'Bad idea right?' empezó como una canción de broma sobre mí enrollándome con un ex novio, pero luego nos dimos cuenta de que en realidad habíamos dado con algo", dijo Rodrigo. "Estábamos lanzando las cosas más raras contra la pared: en uno de los estribillos hay una parte que suena como un instrumento de fondo, pero soy yo gritando poco a poco cada vez más fuerte".


haven’t heard from you in a couple of months but i’m out right now and i’m all fucked up
and you’re calling my phone
you’re all alone
and i’m sensing some undertones

and i’m right here
with all my friends
but you’re sending me your new address
and i know we’re done i know we’re through
but god when i look at you

my brain goes ahhhh can’t hear my thoughts
(i can not hear my thoughts) like blah blah blah
(blah blah blah blah blah blah) should probably not
(i should probably probably not i should probably probably not)

seeing you tonight
it’s a bad idea right?
seeing you tonight it’s a bad idea right?
seeing you tonight it’s a bad idea right?
seeing you tonight fuck it, it’s fine

yes i know that he’s my ex
but can’t two people reconnect
i only see him as a friend
the biggest lie i ever said
oh yes i know that he’s my ex but can’t two people reconnect
i only see him as a friend
i just tripped and fell into his bed

now i’m getting in the car wrecking all my plans i know i should stop
but i can’t
and i told my friends i was asleep
but i never said where or in whose sheets

and i pull up to your place on the second floor and you’re standing smiling at the door
and i’m sure i’ve seen much hotter men
but i really can’t remember when

my brain goes ahhhh can’t hear my thoughts
(i can not hear my thoughts) like blah blah blah
(blah blah blah blah blah blah) should probably not
(i should probably probably not i should probably probably not)

seeing you tonight
it’s a bad idea right?
seeing you tonight
it’s a bad idea right?
seeing you tonight
it’s a bad idea right?
seeing you tonight
fuck it, its fine

yes i know that he’s my ex
but can’t two people reconnect
i only see him as a friend
the biggest lie i ever said
oh yes i know that he’s my ex but can’t two people reconnect
i only see him as a friend
i just tripped and fell into his bed

oh yes i know that he’s my ex can’t two people reconnect
the biggest lie i ever said
i just tripped and fell into his bed
my brain goes ahhh
can’t hear my thoughts
the biggest lie i ever said
my brain goes ahhh
can’t hear my thoughts
i just tripped and fell into his bed

* Las letras de canciones están protegidas por las leyes de derechos de autor y son propiedad de sus respectivos titulares. En se utilizan exclusivamente para promocionar e informar sobre los trabajos de los artistas