Musicalia > Nick Cave > Skeleton tree > Magneto
Destacado: 'From zero' es el disco de regreso de Linkin Park
El disco te parece que es:

Magneto es la cuarta pista de Skeleton tree (2016), un álbum de Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds.

La canción cuenta con un vídeo dirigido por Andrew Dominik estrenado el 7 de noviembre de 2016.



[Estrofa 1]
Mostly I never knew which way was out
Once it was on, it was on and that was that
The umbilicus was a faucet that fountained rabbit blood
And I spun on my wheel
Like a laboratory rat

[Estrofa 2]
I was an electrical storm on the bathroom floor, clutching the bowl
My blood was full of gags and other people's diseases
My monstrous little memory had swallowed me whole
It was the year I officially became the bride of Jesus

In love, in love, in love you laugh
In love you move, I move
And one more time with feeling
For love, you love, I laugh, you love
Saw you in half
And the stars are splashed across the ceiling

[Estrofa 3]
Oh, the urge to kill somebody was basically overwhelming
I had such hard blues down there in the supermarket queues
And I had a sudden urge to become someone, someone like you
Who started out with less than anyone I ever knew

In love, in love, I love, you love, I laugh, you laugh
I move, you move
And one more time with feeling
I love, you love, I laugh, you laugh
I'm sawn in half
And all the stars are splashed across the ceiling

[Estrofa 4]
Oh, I know you come shining
Softly to the hole to drink
Come as far as the edge of my blood, and then swim
And in the bathroom mirror I see me vomit in the sink
And all through the house we hear the hyena's hymns

Of love, I love, you love, I love, you love
I laugh, you laugh, I move, you move, you move
And one more time with feeling
I love, you love, I laugh, you laugh
We saw each other in half
And all the stars are splashed and splattered across the ceiling

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