Musicalia > Blinded by the light Soundtrack
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Blinded by the light Soundtrack


Fecha de publicación del disco: 9 de agosto de 2019

1.Ode to Javed / Javed's Poem - A.R. Rahman
2.It's a Sin - Pet Shop Boys
3.The Sun Always Shines On T.V. - a-ha
4.The Boss Of Us All - Blinded By The Light cast
5.Dancing In the Dark - Bruce Springsteen
6.You Should Be Listening to Our Music - Blinded By The Light cast
7.I Never Knew Music Could Be Like That - Blinded By The Light cast
8.The River - Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band
9.Number One Paki Film - Blinded By The Light cast
10.Badlands - Bruce Springsteen
11.Cover Me - Bruce Springsteen
12.Thunder Road - Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band
13.Get Out of My Way Fascist (Pigs) - Amer Chadha-Patel
14.Do It For Me - Blinded By The Light cast
15.Prove It All Night - Bruce Springsteen
16.Hungry Heart - Bruce Springsteen
17.You, Me... and Bruce - Blinded By The Light cast
18.Because the Night - Bruce Springsteen
19.Maar Chadapa - Heera
20.The Promised Land - Bruce Springsteen
21.Blinded By The Light - Bruce Springsteen
22.Born to Run - Bruce Springsteen
23.I'll Stand By You - Bruce Springsteen
24.For You My Love - A.R. Rahman

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Blinded by the light Soundtrack - portada mediana
Modo Springsteen
El disco te parece que es:

Banda sonora de la película Blinded by the light (Cegado por la luz) dirigida por Gurinder Chadha, y con la música de Bruce Springsteen como telón de fondo, incluyéndose la canción inédita I'll stand by you.

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