Musicalia > Paul McCartney > New > Appreciate
Destacado: 'The death of Slim Shady (Coup de Grâce)' es el nuevo disco de Eminem
El disco te parece que es:

Appreciate con la producción de Giles Martin es una de las canciones incluidas en el disco New (2013) de Paul McCartney.

El videoclip dirigido por Andre Chocron se estrena el 16 de mayo de 2014, con el artista y el robot Newman como protagonistas. "Me levante una mañana con una imagen en la cabeza de mi apoyado en un gran robot. Pensé que podría ser alguna cosa que podría usar para la portada de New, pero en vez de eso la idea se tornó para el videoclip de Appreciate".


Lift up your head
And remember what your life is
Don't have to give it all away
When you're left for dead
In the middle of a crisis
You must appreciate the day

There's something there
But you're frightened to invite it
Beware of pushing it away
Show that you care
And be certain you don't fight it
You must appreciate the day

She says you don't give back what you take
She got evidence you don't appreciate her love
She says it's all a show and no-go
You drop everything, give back
Reciprocate her love

Lift up your head
And remember what your life is
Don't have to give it all away
When you're left for dead
In the middle of a crisis
You must appreciate the day

She says you don't give back what you take
She got evidence you don't appreciate her love
She says it's all a show and no-go
You drop everything, give back
Reciprocate her love

There's something there
But you're frightened to invite it
Beware of pushing it away
Show that you care
And be certain you don't fight it
You must appreciate the day

* Las letras de canciones están protegidas por las leyes de derechos de autor y son propiedad de sus respectivos titulares. En se utilizan exclusivamente para promocionar e informar sobre los trabajos de los artistas