Musicalia > The National > Sleep well beast > I'll still destroy you
Destacado: Se publica 'C, XOXO' el cuarto álbum de Camila Cabello

I'll still destroy you

Sleep well beast
The National
El disco te parece que es:

I'll still destroy you es la octava pista de Sleep well beast (2017), un álbum de The National.

La canción cuenta con un vídeo oficial dirigido por Allan Sigurðsson y Ragnar Kjartansson, estrenado el 23 de octubre de 2017.



[Estrofa 1]
It's so easy to set off
The molecules and the caplets
They all have something against me
Nothing I do makes me feel different

[Pre-Estribillo 1]
This one's like your sister's best friends in a bath calling you to join them
Can't avoid them
This one's like your mother's arms when she was young and sunburned in the '80s
It lasts forever

[Estrofa 2]
The more level they have me
The more I cannot stand me
I have helpless friendships
And bad taste in liquids

[Pre-Estribillo 2]
This one's like the wilderness without the world
I'm gonna miss those long nights with the windows open
I keep re-reading the same lines always up at 5am every morning
Like a baby

It's just the lights coming on
It's just the lights coming on

[Estrofa 3]
I have no positions
No point of view or vision
I'm just trying to stay in touch with anything I'm still in touch with

[Pre-Estribillo 3]
The sky's getting white
I can't find a lighter anywhere I'm going crazy
But I'm not crazy
Put your heels against the wall
I swear you got a little bit taller since I saw you
I'll still destroy you

It's just the lights coming on
It's just the lights coming on

* Las letras de canciones están protegidas por las leyes de derechos de autor y son propiedad de sus respectivos titulares. En se utilizan exclusivamente para promocionar e informar sobre los trabajos de los artistas